Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy new Year....!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Inspiration "Back yard paradise"

I just love green mini paradises.
Sometimes is hard to believe that in the back side of a house you can find something so pretty like those yards.I m blessed to have a mini yard im my house and long time now im tinging what should i do... Some of the ideas i found online are here....Get inspired and me too....




Friday, December 7, 2012

Inspiration "The Old Library by Hecker Guthrie"

Amazing architecture job!!!!
Originally a church built in 1908 and converted to a library in the 1970s. From 2009 to 2011, owner Mario Kalpou worked with interior designers Hecker Guthrie to transform the library into its current incarnation as a restaurant in Cronulla, a suburb of Sydney, Australia.

get inspired!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Interview from Tattoo artist "Aivaras Lee"

Baby Dragon: what would you like everyone reading this interview to know about you?(who are you,where we can find you)?
Aivaras Lee:I'm Aivaras Lee, from Šiauliai, Lithuania. I work in Totemas tattoo studio, Šiauliai, Lithuania and in Kult Tattoo Fest studio, Krakow, Poland.
BD: how long have you been tattooing?
AL:Since 2009.
BD: What is your favorite style of work?
AL:Old school, Traditional.

BD:What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business?
AL:First it was 3rd world war, but now it's almost Heaven :):)
BD:What would you say is your favorite part of the job?
AL:Meeting new interesting people, havin good time and doing good Tattoos!
BD: What is your favorite piece you own?
AL:I can‘t say which is favorite, all of them are package of favorite, but the most spiritual session was tattoo on my cheeks.
BD: Is there a part of the body you won't Tattoo and why?
AL: It depends...
BD: Describe your ideal tattoo client. Ever had the pleasure of tattooing a client like this?
AL:Perfect customer is who knows what he wants and knows where he is coming.
BD: Are there any artists out there you’d like to be tattooed by, space and time permitting of course?
AL:There is alot of them, I got some already and will go for more!
BD: Do you think it is important to do as many conventions and shows as possible?
AL:Maybe not as many as you can, but it‘s important.
BD: What would you recommend to someone wishing to get into the tattoo business?
AL:''Work your fingers to the bones''. 

I wanna thank  Aivaras Lee for this interview!!!

more info

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Inspiration "Buddha tattoos"

Buddha tattoos are so pretty....i found so many online and almost like all....
Suggestion: if you are about to make it as big as you can....!!!
Get inspired..... 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Inspiration "tree tattoos"

Tree tattoos....

Great idea for tattoo....Get inspired!