Monday, October 25, 2010

Body Art or Curse?

Tattoos are marks or pictures made on different parts of body to convey certain meaning to others. Tattoo designs reflects the nature and thoughts of that person. Tattooing, a type of body art, is one of the oldest arts preserved and are very popular among youths.
Tattoos: Body Art or Curse?
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History of tattoos and tattooing
Certain evidences of their practices by early tribal men have been found. Just like some Paleolithic artifacts found, which are classified as tattoo artist tools. Apart from this evidences which show that tattoos were applied to female figurines and human beings, in Egypt, between 4000 and 2000 B.C.E. The Libyon statues from the tomb of Seti show tattoo markings on the arms and legs.

Tribal tattoos and tattoo designs
There were unique ways of doing tattoo designs in old tribes. They used to sharpen a stick, burn it in a fire then after sticking holes in the skin a particular tattoo design appeared on the body. These tribal people had certain principles due to which they were practicing it. They had three major reasons for doing it pain, permanence, and the discharge of the sacred life force, Blood. There every act was related to some strong beliefs such as the ways to keep God happy. They believed it as the way to communicate with supernatural power. Premature tattooing was used to signify the fertility of the earth and of womankind, protection of life after death, the sacredness of chieftainship and other cultural factors.

Different motives of tattooing
Tattoos are used for many different reasons right from the olden days.
1) Tribe markings were done to maintain the identity of that particular tribe. This also helped them to recognize their friends in the midst of fierce wars. Another faith they had was after the death they will remain n contact with their friends.
2) Tattoos were practiced in marriages also. It was a belief that one was able to find his legal spouse or spouses in the afterlife even after separation of many years. Also as a tradition a woman who marries without first being tattooed, in the proper manner, is believed to commit a great sin.
3) Tattooing was used for youths to check for his strength. Boys were tested with the pain of tattooing and those found unsuccessful were considered to be unfit as a warrior. Girls who failed in this test were considered to be unsuitable for marriage because it was not possible for to bear the pains of child birth.
4) To show the identity to which group or gang (criminal group) they belong.
5) Pictures do communicate messages faster. They are used to show the state of mind generally to show their enthusiasm. Most of them use it as a support to their contestant during matches. Also some crazy fans put on the tattoos of their favorite actor or actresses.
6) In recent years tattoos have emerged as a sign of modern youth who puts tattoos to make his external appearance look attractive. They are believed to bring good fortune. In Burma if a person desires good luck he will have a tattoo of a parrot on his shoulder. In Thailand, a tattoo of God is also considered to bring good luck and maintain peace in ones life.

How Tattooing is done?
Generally youths can acquire go for expert or proletarian tattoo depending upon the rule in their state. The pigment used for tattooing is generally not the authorized. Tattoo artists use a vibrating instrument powered by an electrical motor. They then inject the tattoo pigment several thousand times per minutes such that it goes beneath the skin to a depth of approximately 1/50 inch. With the help of a single needle he then outlines the tattoo and then he merges different colors with five to seven needles in a needle bar. Some countries have banned these practices. The severity of rules applied on tattoos varies from imposing fine to full freedom of using them. Another procedure which most teens prefer which is unhygienic is getting their tattoos from friends or done by that youth himself.

Effects of tattoos on health
1) There is a risk of catching a blood-borne disease or infection. Care should be taken that the needles should be sterilized before being used and must not be reused. Dispose the needle so that no one else can use it.
2) The dye remaining after insertion should be thrown and not again reused.
3) The tattooist must wear latex gloves. Care should taken so that no interruption occurs during the process.
4) Some tattoos turn out bad and cause infection. The skin may get swollen and itchy. Avoid getting water on part being tattoo is applied for one or two weeks because it may cause pains. These tattoos can be removed through surgery.

Nothing comes free with every good thing comes a bad thing but its upto individual what he wants. Proper precaution and care if taken can result in making proper use of tattoos. If properly handled from hygienic point of view it won't be a curse rather a gift for looking fashionable.

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